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Our Vision:

We are a family of

God’s loved and devoted children, called to share the gift of salvation by grace, to build a foundation of faith in Jesus Christ.

Act. This gives us the nudge to connect with people around us: at church, in our neighborhoods, schools, or our workplaces. Find out who they are and what they need.
Be a part of this dynamic faith community.

Love. Develop real relationships. Love well by serving, supporting, building trust and sharing the Gospel message.

Walk. Allow Jesus to be the center of your life. Determine and then take the next step in living out your faith and our shared vision.

How our vision is structured:

The roadmap that has been layed out in front of us has been organized into the following 3 step process. We have identified 4 targets that support our Vision. These are high level statements that will guide us to live intentionally how God sees us. From there, we will set goals of what we need to do to live out these targets. Tasks will then be assigned to take the steps required to accomplish our goals. These are measurable works performed by all of us here at St. Paul, to fulfill God’s work in our community.

4 Targets to achieve our vision:

Lasting relationships are formed here.

As a family of God’s loved and devoted children we need to foster relationships with lifelong bonds. People are starving for authentic connection, and the Holy Spirit is calling us to come together. St. Paul is a place of grace and peace where all are welcome and all belong.

We are all involved in ministry.

Healthy families work together. We are called to gather for a purpose: 
to hear the Good News and to live it out. We are all involved because 
we are all called.


All of Hilton hears the Gospel message personally.

We have been given a gift from God that we are called to share. How can people believe in the One they have not heard of? It is our commission to share God’s good news with this community.

Every family in our community has the support they need to be raised in the faith.

We believe God desires for us to do foundation building. We have witnessed the fruit of this through our school Christian Education ministry. We want to use our resources to support local families in setting their own foundation on Jesus Christ.


He has told you, O man, what is good;
    and what does the Lord require of you
but to Act justly, and to Love kindness,
    and to Walk humbly with your God?

Pick out your
Act. Love. Walk. Merchandise 



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