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“For as the body is one and has many parts, and all the parts of that body,

though many, are one body—so also is Christ” (1 Corinthians 12:12).

St. Paul Lutheran Church is always looking to add to our family. If being a church member is on your heart, our typical road to membership begins with attending our “Discover the Faith” classes. These classes will present the basic tenets of the Christian faith and our Lutheran perspective while outlining God’s design for His Church and insight into life at St. Paul.

Interested in joining us?

To sign up please contact Nancy at 392-4000 x123
or Email:

  • What is a Lutheran? A Lutheran is a Christian – one who trusts in Jesus Christ as Savior.

  • Lutherans share a common faith with other Christians: accept the Bible as the true source of Christian love, guidance and doctrine; and accept the same ancient creeds (Apostles’, etc.)

  • They proclaim God’s message by: emphasizing justification by faith, teaching that a person is not to live according to a formula of do’s and don’ts, but in the freedom of Christian love; not confusing law and gospel.

  • A Lutheran Church is: A confessional church (that acknowledges Jesus as Lord and Savior, and the Bible as revealing God’s will.), a ecumenical church (in most cases that works for the unity of ALL Christians, a visible church (where Christians gather together to hear God’s Word.), and an invisible church (made up of all those people together who are saved by faith in Christ as Savior.)


 Interested in becoming a Member of

St. Paul Lutheran Church & School?


Come join Pastor Mark

for a Membership Class 

May 11th, 2024
1:00 - 4:00 PM
Contact the church office to sign-up for the class.

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158 East Avenue

Hilton NY 14468

Phone: (585)392-4000

Fax: (585)392-4001

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All Rights Reserved

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