Starting Sunday, September 10th, we have a great curriculum that will build off of our summer curriculum for all ages preschool through grade 12 from 9:45am - 10:45am. Just as a reminder, we also have adult Bible Class from 9:45-10:45 (between Sunday worship services) that you can attend while your students are diving into God’s Word too. It is a great opportunity for all ages to grow in their faith and relationship with Christ that God provides for us. It is so important to be in His Word regularly along with regular worship as He strengthens our faith in Him and prunes us in our lives so we can bear much fruit. Without Him, we can do nothing.
The meaning behind Champions for Christ (or Champions for short), is that we as God’s children and believers in Him, are all champions from His perfect life He lived and what He did for us on the cross, taking our place and the punishment we deserved. It does not end there. We share His Resurrection Victory in that just as He overcame sin, death, and the devil, we as believers in Him have overcome it too as we put our faith and trust in Him. John 15 reminds us how we are connected to Him by remaining in Him and He is connected to us. It also reminds us of the importance of His Word for the strengthening of our faith. Therefore, Christ has made us victorious champions in Him from what He did as our Savior for us out of His amazing love. We have received eternal life and forgiveness of all of our sins. This amazing news behind the logo
also makes an opportunity for anyone to share what exactly Champions for Christ means and what it is.
Again, we are excited to share with you this opportunity God is providing for us here at St. Paul. We give Him all thanks, honor and glory for all He did and continues to do for us as His loved and forgiven children.
God’s Blessings,
Alexa Wolf and Todd Pratt